November 01, 2011

First Days in Florida

Here it is finally...

My FIRST post for my new Blog...
a.k.a. Finding My Florida (in my Fifties)...

Ru and I landed in Panama City Beach,
In the Florida panhandle on Friday
And spent the night in a beachy hotel room w/ a balcony,
Right at the beach...
With a pool and lots of lounge chairs
Between the hotel and white silky sand...

The bird wildlife is beyond crazy awesome in Florida...
I just wish I could get more photos besides the one below
Of pelicans flying overhead...

I know, I know...patience!!

We spent Sat. and Sun. w/ good friends and their family near Orlando...
Monday, Halloween, we arrived in the (general) Miami area...
Checked into our hotel where we'll stay 3 days...
Before moving in temporarily (two? three months?) w/ my BIL...
After we unloaded our suitcases,
We asked the Garmin,
"Where's the nearest Pollo Tropical?!"
Beg, beg, BEG!!
We snarfed...
And I do mean SNARFED!
our yummy Cuban fast food down...
It's been six years since I first/last ate at PT...
Where else can you get delicious fast CUBAN food
But in Florida?! Gotta love it!

By the way...
Besides the several, un ID'd (ARG!) water birds
Seen all over the place...
While we were stopped at an intersection
What should flit down and land on a street light...
But an Osprey!
In the middle of city life.

Florida?! Gotta love it!


  1. That Osprey was either welcoming you or it had been following you....all the way, Jann! :)

  2. Welcome back! Can't wait to see what kind of birds you find.

  3. Hey, It is snowing in Spearfish, Hot Springs and at my how do you feel about Florida?!
    Can't wait to see what your lens finds in FL.

  4. Really glad that you started this new blog. You are a natural at great blogging and photography. I want you to connect with my classmate Marge who lives in FL. She is also long time blogger and can expose you to an amazing world of photographers. I will handle this by email. Tell Ruben hello :)d2

  5. I didn't mention how happy we are to hear about your Osprey sighting. The local pair of Osprey, that nested on a city provided nest on major bridge, left two months ago. They raised 3 young ones. Hope it is them as they are beautiful! One day the Daddy fended off 3 flying Gulls and run them off. Amazing aerobatics! d2

  6. So happy to view your first post from the Sunshine State! You are going to have so many fabulous photo opportunities there. The gorgeous and unique wildlife will surely delight your eyes ... and your lucky blog readers. Enjoy! Looking foward to future posts!

  7. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)
    I've read yours from top to bottom and enjoyed seeing things through your eyes. I know you will love it here and think you will find yourself visiting Sanibel more and more. I know we did.
