October 21, 2012

Birding Arcata Marsh

Overall, my one birding attempt during my short stay in No. Calif. was successful, just not when it came to taking photos...it's taken awhile to decide whether to even bother posting about it, but despite the poor lighting and my lack of mad camera skills, a few came out "interesting" due to the lighting...

I visited the Arcata Marsh Wildlife Sanctuary, 
A great place to bird, with ponds and close proximity to Arcata Bay...

Right off, near the trailhead, I found cedar waxwings....

Further along the trail, I found a male and female downy woodpecker...
Neither would hold still long enough for me to get good pics...

Song sparrows were in abundance in the bramble...

...As were the American wigeons at one of the ponds....

Among the flock of wigeons, a lone green-winged teal was spotted...

Near the bay, a single willet was wading and feeding...

Sharing the inlet with one stealthy great egret.


  1. Dig these shots Jann, especially the bloody-beaked Waxwing in the first shot and the reflecting Egret.

    Bird on!

    1. Thank you Laurence! My hometown area is a really great birding area, N. Calif. on the coast. Lots of marshes, ponds, seashore, rivers. Not that Florida is anything to shake a stick at. ;o)

  2. Great shots Jann! Hope you are enjoying being back in the sunshine state:)

    1. Thank you Tammy! I am very happy to be back!

  3. Jann, looks like you had a nice day birding in California. You saw some very beautiful birds. Especially terrific captures of the gorgeous Cedar Waxwings, pretty American Wigeons and Green-winged Teal. All are lovely, though. I hope you are settling in well now that you are home.
