October 31, 2012

A Tale of Two Frogs

I've finally purchased bird feeders for our backyard...now I wait for the birds to re-discover the free handouts...a N. cardinal shot by this morning but didn't stop to eat or check things out.  In the meantime, there's other wildlife in the backyard...dragonflies, squirrels, and -- Hello! -- this cute little frog was on one of the handles on a wheelbarrow this AM.  Maybe he heard about the other frog inside the house.....

...But this frog doesn't do much croaking....I however should be croaking, considering how much frog tape I've been putting down.  Today we ordered our new kitchen counters, they should be installed w/in the next 2-3 weeks.  The price would make anyone croak!  Tomorrow I've got to finish "frogging" the kitchen.....ribbit!


  1. Better to find a frog in the house, than a lizzard or snake!☺

    1. We had an anole in our house recently, snuck in from the lanai!

  2. Wonderful photograph! Very cute little frog! They find the funniest places to rest. Sounds like you have a lot of house decorating to do. I bet you will be thrilled to get your new kitchen counters. I hope the birds find your feeders soon so you can have lots of viewing pleasure. I am always surprised at how quickly they locate the feeders. Happy Frogtaping!

    1. Thanks Julie...the birds are now finding the feeders, yay! In fact I'm seeing Eastern bluebirds, a lifer for me!

  3. Great capture of the the tree frog Jann! I definitely prefer seeing them outdoors as well:)

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you so much Bob! It's really good to be back to the mainland, and in my own home!
