February 04, 2012

Caspersen Beach

Caspersen Beach is just south of Venice Beach,
in SW Florida,
and is #14 on the South section of
The Great Birding Trail...
Ru and I visited this week
While scouting houses and 'hoods in the area...
C. Beach has some rocky spots
And a narrow shoreline,
But it's a nice beach...

A snowy egret had taken it upon itself
To oversee one fisherman's endeavors...

Deciding, it seemed, that the one bitty fish gift wasn't enough,
Snowy E. did a little fishing of its own...
For a few moments it appeared to of
Grabbed up more than it could swallow...


...Ok, here we go, down the hatch......

Relaxing back on a rock, after the snack......

There were also 2-3 of this bird floating about offshore....
Turns out it's a common loon! A lifer....
Too bad it's winter plumage....

A ring-billed gull and ruddy turnstone
Grappled over a dead fish....
Neither got far with it, but....

Eventually the turnstone strutted off in search of easier fare...

Also floating offshore, like the loons,
Were a couple brown pelicans.

Before reaching Caspersen Beach,
We took a quick look around at
Shamrock Park & Nature Ctr. nearby,
Didn't see anything...it's #13
On the South part of the Great Birding Trail.
We plan to get back there
And ride our bikes on the trail.


  1. Love those "yellow slippers" on the Snowy! BH Stock Show in town, Jann, nothing as graceful as the beach birds to be seen.

    1. Caroline, I call them yellow galoshes! :o) I have yet to need to wear a jacket here in S FL; I remember well how cold it always is during the stock show in SD, tho I hear this yr it's been a milder winter (like in many other places).

  2. I can't believe the Egret ate the whole thing. Wow!

  3. I liked how you captured the Snowy Egret's capture and his feast! Such beautiful sea birds. It is so peaceful to stroll on the beach.

    1. Anne, thanks...I'm way beyond thrilled to be living near beaches again! I grew up on the coast of N Calif., then lived in San Diego 8 yrs, but it's been since '88 that we've lived near any coast. Strolling thru the wet sand and lapping waves is a part of my DNA :o)

  4. Well, it certainly looks like you are already settling in and seeing some great birds! I love the egrets and the pelican and the loon and the...

    1. Thanks Kathie! I am so in birding heaven! We're buying a house in SW Florida that is 3 blocks from a 40 acre pond that is covered in water fowl, plus the surrounding trees have song/perching birds. I am soooo excited!!
