January 03, 2012

Fern Forest Nature Ctr.

Fern Forest NC is on the Great FL Birding Trail...
It's 247 acres of urban wilderness,
Containing over 30 species of ferns,
Located in Coconut Creek...
Ru and I visited there recently;
Overall I was a bit disappointed but
We did see a couple things of interest...

Like a few monarch butterflies in the Sensory Garden area...

And a distant wren, not sure which one it is....
Any help would be most welcome...
It appears to have white below the eye,
On the throat and a white eye band...
Back coloring is solid not mottled...
Carolina wren?

I'm definitely getting senile...I thought I'd shared a photo of
The ruddy daggerwing butterfly, but have not...
This one is better than the previous photos I'd taken anyway...

Wild coffee grows abundantly in S. Florida,
I think we've seen it at every park/nature ctr.
We've visited so far.

I'm really anxious to see more birds
But it's windy and cold (for Florida anyway)...
A/c hasn't even come on today! That's a first.


  1. Butterflies are and have always been my favorite insect. So beautiful, free and delicate!
    Keep warm in this Florida style cold!

  2. I have missed several posts, Jann. I was relying on Blogger and overlooked the fact your address is now a .com....guess I need to go back and add it to the reading list, but actually I thought a few of the first posts did show up on the reader.

    Didn't know coffee grew wild in Florida! Love your new profile picture!

  3. Back from correcting the oversight! BTW Jann...I see Anne is here, she was one of my very first followers, almost 3 years now...we exchange mail art too. I wonder if you guys live very close!

  4. I'd say you were looking at a Carolina wren.
