December 28, 2011

This and That...

How was your Christmas?
As usual, I'm glad it's over with,
But we did have a nice Christmas Day . . .
I haven't really been out taking photos
For several days, so now's a good time to
Post misc. photos...

One of the rest stops along I-75 in the Everglades
Is taken over by a bunch of black vultures...
Creepy, yes, but I managed to get a photo...

Speaking of creepy...
A real common sight
While visiting state parks or
Any nature area with a forest-like setting,
Are huge spider webs overhead,
With these golden orb-weaver spiders
Hanging out in their center...
From back leg tip to front leg tip,
A full grown GOW is about four inches long...
Did I mention that spiders
Are my least favorite creepy crawly?!

Moving along to prettier subjects,
The common primrose willow can be seen
Here and there...

Closer to home, about 3-4 blocks away in fact,
In a McD's parking lot...
I took photos of one of two cattle egret
That were trolling for scraps...
Of all the places
To finally see a cattle egret!

Even closer to home,
This little frog
Had to be rescued
More than once
From BIL Sam's pool...

There are many ducks in the 'hood
Thanks to the large ponds nearby...
They waddle by most days
Ru likes to give them
Bread scraps...

I did a post on my S Dakota Blog
Showing the pair of Eurasian collared doves
That were visiting the feeders...
These doves were first introduced to the U.S.
Here in Florida...
This one's on the street light out front...
We have mourning doves
In the backyard often...

The ibises are occasional visitors thru the 'hood...

We see a squirrel pretty much daily,
Skittering along the fence around the back yard...
And have put peanuts out for it...

The palm warblers are scarce visitors now...

 Boat-tailed grackles are super common...
But it was a unique sight when
A female grackle found a tiny snake
In the backyard near the pool.


  1. A plethora of wildlife and nature. You have struck it rich. I think you might find even more to photograph in FL than in SD. Happy retirement and Happy New Year!

  2. Roan, I think you're right...maybe not as much wildlife but definitely more birds to photograph here in S Florida. A very happy New Year to you too!
