March 31, 2018

Oranges . . .

I just realized that there's an orange theme going on with this set of photos . . . taken earlier in March during my bi-monthly beach therapy. I like to go when sunrise is at low tide . . .

Before the sun actually rises on the horizon . . .

. . . And the actual sunrise . . .

An orange scallop! Very rare color to find at "my" beach . . . whether it's orange naturally, or from being buried in sediment awhile . . .

Another angel wing . . .

Sometimes I find really cool patterns in the sand ~ these are flat-topped ripples, made by the tide.

A calico scallop . . .

Lots of nice jingle shells this day (a type of oyster) . . .

I doubt I'll ever find a whole, good-sized pear whelk at this beach; it's very rare to even find tiny juvenile ones . . . but I still like to collect the apexes.


  1. beautiful colours and sea scapes, and some of the shells are new to me.
    Keep up the good work, Gordon.

    1. Thank you, Gordon! Finding new shells, for me, requires traveling to other beaches several miles N, S, or W (the Gulf). So for the most part I rarely find any new shells, unfortunately. But I still really enjoy finding the regulars!
