May 29, 2014

The Rookery ~ Part 3

As you can see, this post is all about the Great Egret, in all its snow-white glory! To be honest, I'm rather annoyed with myself and my amateur ways with the camera, plus the fact that I arrived at the rookery too late in the day and the light was too harsh. Clearly these photos are lacking in color/light correct-ness…but you get the idea. The birds and hatchlings were impressive…

Preening even in the nursery…Looks like a wedding gown...

…Appears to be several expectant parents…

These nestlings appear to be checking themselves over…"Long neck, check!" "Long legs, check!"…
This was the best shot I got of the great egret babes...

Yep, we're okay…so, Mum! Hungry!

None of the hatchlings would cooperate for a photo shoot, but still…
Gotta love the fluff 'n fuzz!

…Lots of parents in the egret department...


  1. Great! I have no egrets at all about reading this blog : )

  2. I loved them. I think your pictures were stunning--What gorgeous birds. Thanks for sharing them.

    1. Thank you so much Janice! It amazes me how white they are considering where they go…you'd think they'd be mucky!

  3. All so very beautiful! Love the little ones!
