August 21, 2012

Kolea, Waxbill, Francolin

The kolea, aka the Pacific golden-plover...the adults have arrived in Hawai'i from their Arctic nesting August visitor...the immatures arrive in late Sept.  We just saw a few of these on Thurs. at Holoholokai Beach.

This neat little bird is a common waxbill, a native of Africa...they showed up a week or so ago, feeding on the grass seeds just outside our front door...I haven't seen them for a few days, was their visit that fleeting?!  Before seeing these guys, I saw a small flock of lavender waxbills just outside the front office area in a flowered camera available and haven't seen them since...they have pale gray bodies (prob look lavender in sunlight) with dark red tails and a black band across the eyes...

The gray francolin...introduced from India in 1958.  Saw this in a parking lot near a beach...the black francolin is more striking, maybe I'll get to see one of those offense, gray!

Royal Poinciana...these tall flaming red-orange blossomed trees are sprinkled everywhere in Kailua on the Big Island.  I'm just throwing this in cause the trees are amazing and deserve mentioning.

1 comment:

  1. The birds are lovely, for some reason they look formally dressed to me, they are going to the opera!
