February 21, 2012

Parking for Feathers

Now that we have bicycles, (Mine's a bright orange w/ white-wall tires :o) )
Ru and I  have been putting around the 'hood here and there...
Two nearby parks could be deemed
A birding junkie's emergency "fix"...
The sports park, where the monk parakeets hang out,
Did have the monks "chanting" at the top of the field net recently...
Not good lighting but hey, proof of the parakeets
(Also called quaker parrots)...

At the other park, I followed a tri-colored heron as it fished...
Or tried to...

This pair of awesomely colored ducks was cruising about...
I was hoping it was a legitimate breed
But looks like they're a hybrid...?
Nothing in N American bird guides anyway...

* * * * *

An aside...the house we made an offer on, didn't pan out; we had to drop the bid...
We were disappointed but deep down knew that house wasn't really for us
Despite how much I looooved being so close to Ollie Pond....
Good news is, we're making an offer on another house, still in Charlotte Co.,
So everyone cross your fingers, your toes, and your eyes for us! Happy Thoughts!


  1. Jann, I hope the house in Charlotte Co. is the one for you! Good luck! Beautiful bird photographs in this post! Those Monk Parakeets sure are so cute. The Tri-colored Herons sure have beautiful plumage. I never tire at taking photographs of them. Those hybrid ducks are really cool looking. I wonder what combination they are ...

  2. The ducks do have a lovely coloring and pattern, even the color of the water compliments them! Love the closeup of the one! Hope you find and get just what you want, Jann. I have everything crossed!

  3. Those are Egyptian Geese, considered exotic waterfowl. There was one for a while at Canyon Lake with the Canadas a couple of years ago. I had to go find a bird book, I had never seen one before. If you have a Sibley field guide, they are on p. 89 right after the green-winged teal.

  4. Those are the coolest ducks I've ever seen. Great capture! Good luck on the house!
