February 28, 2012

Bokeelia ~ Pine Island

Another trip was made to the SW coast,
This time to check out Cape Coral...
C.C. is located on the E side of Charlotte Harbor...
What we saw we did not care for,
But we mosied on over to Pine Island
(The largest island on the W coast of FL)...
Bokeelia is on the N tip of the island,
At the mouth of Charlotte Harbor...
It is one of five communities on the island...

There are two piers; this one has a locked gate...
The other pier, you can walk out on part way...
At its gate you have to pay $8 to enter...

While we ate a seafood lunch at the rustic restaurant
Across the street from the piers,
Ru saw a fin out in the water between the piers...
We finished our lunch and went to watch
A porpoise! It was hunting,
And I couldn't get any photos besides of the fin...
...and the splash as it caught a fish,
After zipping at warp speed towards shore...
We did see the fish flip up into the air...

Nearby, and further back down the road, there are two huge osprey nests...
I was able to get photos of the osprey at the nest by the piers...
I did see an osprey in the nest, being fed by the one I photographed...

The osprey flew around nearby then landed on a nearby post...

...And another nearby post...

Here's a perspective shot of the nest...

A brown pelican between the piers.

The porpoise sighting was my first ! Very cool.

*  *  *  *  *  *

A special thanks to Caroline for ID'ing the "duck" in my previous post (Feb. 21) as an Egyptian goose! I KNEW it was a legit bird, not a hybrid, but the memory was too hazy to roll off the tip of my tongue, and it wasn't in either of my two bird guides (where on earth did I see it then?)

Another aside...we have made the tough decision not to buy a home in Port Charlotte/No. Port,
Due to the communities mostly being on well/septic water, something we're both uncomfortable with.
I'm pretty disappointed, but we will push on and have another area to check out on the NE coast...
I soooo wanted to live on the SW coast but the water and Chinese drywall issues are putting the kabosh on that....

February 21, 2012

Parking for Feathers

Now that we have bicycles, (Mine's a bright orange w/ white-wall tires :o) )
Ru and I  have been putting around the 'hood here and there...
Two nearby parks could be deemed
A birding junkie's emergency "fix"...
The sports park, where the monk parakeets hang out,
Did have the monks "chanting" at the top of the field net recently...
Not good lighting but hey, proof of the parakeets
(Also called quaker parrots)...

At the other park, I followed a tri-colored heron as it fished...
Or tried to...

This pair of awesomely colored ducks was cruising about...
I was hoping it was a legitimate breed
But looks like they're a hybrid...?
Nothing in N American bird guides anyway...

* * * * *

An aside...the house we made an offer on, didn't pan out; we had to drop the bid...
We were disappointed but deep down knew that house wasn't really for us
Despite how much I looooved being so close to Ollie Pond....
Good news is, we're making an offer on another house, still in Charlotte Co.,
So everyone cross your fingers, your toes, and your eyes for us! Happy Thoughts!

February 15, 2012

A Laughing Lifer

We made it back to Ft. Lauderdale Beach today...
We both could swear we'd seen a sign
ID'ing it as Dania Beach but
That was probably the area just south of
The parking lot we'd used last time
And this time...
Anyway, I put the camera in a small backpack
And we hoofed it S on the beach again,
But not one skimmer peeked out
Among the terns....sigh...
But the skimmer is supposed to be found
On all of Florida's coastline,

In the meantime, I did realize the other day
That I needed to pay closer attention to the gulls....
Above is a laughing gull in winter plumage...
I'm pretty sure I "saw" them during the last beach visit,
But my eyes didn't connect to my brain,
So this is untechnically a lifer...(right?)

This laughing gull is morphing from winter to summer....
The legs and bill have just a faint tinge of red to them as yet...
But the head is obviously solid black.

I sat for two hours in the sun, one hour in the shade of a palm...
Got a lovely sunburn to prove it;
Don't ask why I didn't put the 'screen on, I had it....
Fortunately my face didn't fry...
I wear a $35 light-weight baseball cap
I love the cute floppy summer hats
Many stores sell for women
BUT...my ginormous head won't fit in any of 'em...

Anyway, among the many adult ring-billed gulls
Was this imm. one
That looked to be on steroids.

February 08, 2012

On Ollie's Pond ~ Four Lifers

While on the SW coast last week,
we discovered, by sheer chance,
Ollie's Pond in Port Charlotte...
The pond covers 40 acres
And is only a few miles from PC Harbor...
There's a path around the pond,
And I eagerly took a stroll along one side...

Several little blue herons were feeding...

At some distance, towards the center of the pond,
Greater yellowlegs were also feeding...
(A lifer! I've seen lesser yellowlegs)

There were several Ibises,
This one posing as a statue...

White ibises and glossy ibises were feeding together,
While a pack of hooded mergansers (lifers!) cruised by...

I couldn't quite get a good photo...
Probably 'cause I was all nerves I was so excited ;o)
I was standing in shadow in a line of small trees,
Along side two Brits...
As I went back to the trail and walked a few feet,
Something red zipped by at eye level.....
! ! !

The No. Cardinal was at the top of my lifer wish list,
And I was close to tears I was so overcome...
But did manage to calm down and take photos.
The English couple joined me...
Mr. C posed for at least 10 min. ...

Also flitting in the trees along the path was this yellow-rumped warbler...

Another lifer in the trees, a red-bellied woodpecker!
A bit frustrating not to be able to get a better shot....

Snowy egrets enjoy the pond too...

Trees around the pond have long strands of Spanish moss...

A view of Ollie's Pond....

Not far from Ollie's Pond,
we found a cute little "welcome" frog....
On the front side of a house...
Not just ANY house, mind you...
But OUR soon-to-be new home!
We love, love the Port Charlotte area
And can't wait to be living there.

February 04, 2012

Caspersen Beach

Caspersen Beach is just south of Venice Beach,
in SW Florida,
and is #14 on the South section of
The Great Birding Trail...
Ru and I visited this week
While scouting houses and 'hoods in the area...
C. Beach has some rocky spots
And a narrow shoreline,
But it's a nice beach...

A snowy egret had taken it upon itself
To oversee one fisherman's endeavors...

Deciding, it seemed, that the one bitty fish gift wasn't enough,
Snowy E. did a little fishing of its own...
For a few moments it appeared to of
Grabbed up more than it could swallow...


...Ok, here we go, down the hatch......

Relaxing back on a rock, after the snack......

There were also 2-3 of this bird floating about offshore....
Turns out it's a common loon! A lifer....
Too bad it's winter plumage....

A ring-billed gull and ruddy turnstone
Grappled over a dead fish....
Neither got far with it, but....

Eventually the turnstone strutted off in search of easier fare...

Also floating offshore, like the loons,
Were a couple brown pelicans.

Before reaching Caspersen Beach,
We took a quick look around at
Shamrock Park & Nature Ctr. nearby,
Didn't see anything...it's #13
On the South part of the Great Birding Trail.
We plan to get back there
And ride our bikes on the trail.