Another trip was made to the SW coast,
This time to check out Cape Coral...
C.C. is located on the E side of Charlotte Harbor...
What we saw we did not care for,
But we mosied on over to Pine Island
(The largest island on the W coast of FL)...
Bokeelia is on the N tip of the island,
At the mouth of Charlotte Harbor...
It is one of five communities on the island...
There are two piers; this one has a locked gate...
The other pier, you can walk out on part way...
At its gate you have to pay $8 to enter...
While we ate a seafood lunch at the rustic restaurant
Across the street from the piers,
Ru saw a fin out in the water between the piers...
We finished our lunch and went to watch
A porpoise! It was hunting,
And I couldn't get any photos besides of the fin...
...and the splash as it caught a fish,
After zipping at warp speed towards shore...
We did see the fish flip up into the air...
Nearby, and further back down the road, there are two huge osprey nests...
I was able to get photos of the osprey at the nest by the piers...
I did see an osprey in the nest, being fed by the one I photographed...
The osprey flew around nearby then landed on a nearby post...
...And another nearby post...
Here's a perspective shot of the nest...
A brown pelican between the piers.
The porpoise sighting was my first ! Very cool.
* * * * * *
A special thanks to Caroline for ID'ing the "duck" in my previous post (Feb. 21) as an Egyptian goose! I KNEW it was a legit bird, not a hybrid, but the memory was too hazy to roll off the tip of my tongue, and it wasn't in either of my two bird guides (where on earth did I see it then?)
Another aside...we have made the tough decision not to buy a home in Port Charlotte/No. Port,
Due to the communities mostly being on well/septic water, something we're both uncomfortable with.
I'm pretty disappointed, but we will push on and have another area to check out on the NE coast...
I soooo wanted to live on the SW coast but the water and Chinese drywall issues are putting the kabosh on that....