January 28, 2014

A Feathery Tail…or Two

 Well, I'm finally back at my Blog, updated my bird sighting list and now posting the latest photos collected in the past month or so…I saw my first bald eagle in Florida about a week ago! I was driving, so no photo…the eagle was soaring over the coastline, hunting breakfast no doubt...

A recent round of beach therapy…in-between Arctic Vortex blasts…resulted in a first sighting of 3 black skimmers at Flagler Beach, since moving to the area. I'd seen a couple at Fort Lauderdale Beach a couple years ago, but didn't have my camera then (gasp!) 

The larger birds shared the shoreline with the usual sanderlings, ruddy turnstones, and this lone willet…

Meanwhile, back at the "ranch"...

The titmice are showing up a bit more, flitting in and out as rapidly as ever...

…And the pine warblers are back, equally good at flitting about…although, this fellow allowed me to get within 8 feet to take photos...

…Along with the pine warblers there is an occasional Carolina Chickadee, scarce really…
and still about impossible to photograph...

The fairly abundant pine warblers and No. cardinals chow down daily…

…The feeders can be so busy that there is literally a queue in nearby trees…the chipping sparrows are back in abundance this winter as well…

…The red-bellied woodpecker couple is back…they're suet lovers...

…And the squawky, pushy blue jays…have been seeing a pair together at the feeders more often than I did last year…but they still don't seem to like to share with one another...

…I know we're getting more than one type of mottled brown sparrow at the feeders but can never seem to get a clear shot…is this a song sparrow? Or…? Probably just a "vague" chipping sparrow…

…Hubby likes the olive-colored female cardinals...

…Like last year, a downy woodpecker has made a few scarce appearances, not 
at the feeders, but pecking at our small trees...

…Not to be left out, the brown-headed cowbirds are back, sporadically as usual...

…The Carolina wrens are also scarce and flitty, seen in the background mainly but also they take a peek at the feeders, not sure they actually eat anything (don't think so)...

…The yellow-rumped warblers arrive at dusk, mobbing the maple and small trees in our front yard...

The American robins are back too…these lovely red berries don't stand a chance…as soon as they were ripe, the robins came, conquered, and left…in 3 days the tree was BARE. Well they're still about town, just not at this property now that it's been wiped clean.


  1. Looks like you've been busy keeping your eyes out for the birds! Love that robin in the berries. This is the best time of the year, winter here is perfect.

    1. Dina, it's fun to see the robins eating the berries…just wish they wouldn't eat and run, ha!

  2. I love the picture of the Robin with the red berries. As cold as it has been here in Indiana, some people have reported seeing Robins. They definitely did not get the message this year that it would be cold, cold, cold! It looks so nice and warm and "green" down there. We have had constant snow cover since shortly after Christmas, and it just keeps getting deeper.

    It was nice to see some of your pictures once again.

    1. Thank you Janice! Florida is temporarily home to many disgruntled Northern folks in winter…this winter they've been unpleasantly surprised at how cold it is down here too, at least in Central FL…we don't get snow, but we do get "chilly"!! And frost!

  3. A great post Jann, it was amazing to see the Skimmer, as only last night I was going through my Florida photos from last March, and looking at the Skimmers. It was very interesting to see the variety of birds you get in your garden/back yard, and my favourite is the Blue jay, what a great photo.
    Take care, and all the best, Gordon.

    1. Thanks, Gordon! Funny that you had skimmers on the brain too…they sure stand out from any other birds with those big awkward bills and short legs. I love seeing the blue jays; I was dismayed recently to find jay feathers around the feeder, knowing that I lost one to a hawk.

  4. Great photos, Jann! The vibrant Pine Warbler is stunning! You have a lot of fine visitors to your feeders!

    1. Thank you Tammy! I love seeing the pine warblers, too bad it's only in winter!

  5. You've seen quite a beautiful variety of birds, Jann! Your photographs are fantastic! I did not know that Pine Warblers ate at feeders. Such a pretty bird. Wonderful post! So glad to see you are back blogging.

    1. Thank you Julie! I'm happy to be back to my blogging! There was no reason for my absence, just laziness I guess!

  6. Jann, please email me about using a couple of your photos.

  7. Hi meg, I don't see any way to email you…?
