Spring has definitely sprung in the kingdom of feathered frolickers…I barely posted about my long over-due ID of an Eastern bluebird, (seen on a power line, during a walk) when lo and behold, I looked out the window at the feeder pole and there sat a bluebird! I was even able to dash for the camera, which sits at the ready on the guest bed near the window…and get one shot before it zipped away.
The following pictures were taken on two different days during a very short period of time...
I would think this is a female...
Not to be overlooked, finally a goldfinch sighting…I was beginning to wonder if I'd missed them this year...
I'm a bit thrilled to say, the Carolina wrens have become braver and less scarce at the feeders…this one didn't mind sharing with a pine warbler (r), even...
I saw four blue jays coming and going from the feeders at the same time…
The Carolina chickadees are appearing…no mistaking their distinct call…
But they're hard to capture…and fairly scarce...
I couldn't resist this shot through the lattice-top fence...
My guess is that this is a chipping sparrow, morphing from winter to summer coloring…
Update: A fellow birder, Laurence, feels this is a morphing palm warbler, pointing out the narrow bill…I would have to agree, the bill's too narrow for a sparrow. I've compared it to images online and it does match a palm warbler. Thank you Laurence!
…A female yellow-rumped warbler...
…And a male, hiding in a leaf-sprouting tree near the feeders...
…Up in the newly-leafed maple tree, a male No. cardinal waits for a turn at the feed…
At the front of the house, in the next-door neighbor's driveway, some serious drama unfolded…
One No. mockingbird gives the stink-eye to another…
…followed by strutting and posturing...
…Moments later, a kerfuffle!
…A blurry kerfuffle….
Until someone squawks, "I give!" and plays dead...
…Followed by more kerfuffling…
Now was this males being territorial,
Or a mating ritual?!
I hope the former, yeesh!
…While up above in a neighbor's pine tree, another crow looked on. The Stokes guide says they come to feeders. Please tell me this is NOT going to happen! N-o-o-o-o! It's bad enough I have to put up with the hoggish, couch potato mourning doves. Ack!