March 17, 2012

Beach Birds

...Not to be confused with snow birds,
Which I admit I still feel like I'm one of those...
Even tho we now have our Florida license plate
And Florida driver's licenses,
Making us "official" now!
Spring has sprung in S. Florida,
And I hope to get around the 'hood to get flora fotos soon.
In the meantime, we've been to Ft. Lauderdale Beach
A few times recently...

The laughing gulls' heads are blackening...

So are the royal terns, but this one is still in transition...

During our last trip to the SW coast, we checked out Bunche Beach,
Which is on the Great Birding Trail...
An osprey flew over, and a brown pelican,
But otherwise it wasn't impressive
Even if I did smile for this pic...

I thought I was taking a shot of a Calif. gull,
After once again failing to find any skimmers
Since I saw the two and had no camera...
BUT, this is actually a lifer!
Checking my Stokes guide,
I then thought it was a great black-backed gull...
But the legs are yellow, not pink...
So it is a lesser black-backed gull!

Now this royal tern has it's spring/summer black cap on...

This spiffy moth was in the driveway recently...
Ru remembers being afraid of these as a kid, cause they look like a wasp...
This is actually a polka-dot wasp moth!